Wednesday, 25 July 2018

How To Show Your Cat You Love Them!

Do you ever feel the desire to show your Cat you love them?

I mean when they are taking a Cat nap on your lap and purring away, you just want to show them how much they mean to you

Cats are sensitive and they can understand our body language

Did you know that when you are stressed, this can have a negative impact on your Cat and make them feel stressed too?

It's amazing how clever our little feline friends are right


I'm going to show you 5 different ways you can show your little kitty you love them

So let's dive straight into it

Slowly blink at your Cat 

Have you ever had your Cat slowly blink at you?

Like, they're just staring at you and they slowly blink

Ain't that very cute, right?

Well that means that your Cat is showing that he trusts you so much at their most vulnerable, with their eyes closed

It is also a way of your Cat saying to you "I love you"

Awesome right?

So now next time your Cat slowly blinks at you, do the same back

Because this is your way of showing them that you trust them too and also that you love them

Spend quality time with your Cat 

This is very important because spending time with your Cat will build that strong bond with them and grow that connection with them

You should spend at least 15 - 20 minutes with them

Buy a string that has a mouse or anything attached at the end of it and let her chase it

Cats love chasing things as they are predators and love to hunt

Give them Cat treats 

Who doesn't love treats!

Cats love treats and they'll do anything for one!

Try it

Give them a treat and look how much love they show you


Also it will show them how much you love them too

Groom Your Cat 

Cats love being stroked and being groomed

Groom your Cat if you can everyday

Especially long haired Cats

They will love it and will appreciate you giving a helping hand grooming them

Also, stroke them in places they can't reach

Such as

Behind the ears

Under the chin

On their belly

Just above their nose and in-between their eyes

They'll love that

Cat Nap 

When you're just lying down let you Cat take a Cat nap on you

Not only will this create a special bond between you two but also it feels great!

The warmth feeling of your Cat purring away, it's like a hot water bottle that purrs lol

Letting your Cat sleep with also shows your Cat how much you trust him and how much you love him

You see it's important we build this connection with our Cat and show how much we love them

Don't they deserve the best?

We as Cat parents should try to give them the best life possible!

To build that connection with them we need to understand our Cat

That is why

I would really recommend Cat Language bible

It's this awesome guide that teaches you how you can hold a actual conversation with your Cat so now you can tell your Cat you love them in words they understand!

How awesome is that?

This guide also comes with 4 different cool bonuses

If you want to find out more then you can check out this review >>

It does look really interesting!

Let's be the best Cat parents to our Cats and start to converse with them in ways they understand!