Wednesday, 21 November 2018

How To Stop Your Cat From Spraying In The House

"Urrghh He's urinated in the house again!"

"Where's that urine smell coming from?"

"The smell is coming from here"

All these phrases sound familiar?

If you don't like reading you can just check out this video

I remember when my Cat would love spraying in the house and it would drive me nuts

Seriously, It was really frustrating and annoying because you don't know where he's sprayed and the smell comes from all directions!

Not only that, it stinks the whole house up!

You know what I'm saying right?

It can be really hard to live like this

And gets even harder when other family members start saying we need to get rid of the Cat

That's when it gets serious!

This situation actually happened to me too!

There's only so much you can do

How many times can you clean everywhere in the house but then that smell is still there

Yeah, it doesn't matter what type of product you use

That urine smell is some powerful stuff

Don't even get me started on UV lights!

For me, that would just show dust!

You see why it's so frustrating

But now my Cat doesn't spray in the house! Happy days!

I'll tell you how I found the solution to this problem later on

Let's first talk about why your Cat is spraying inside the house

Why Is My Cat Spraying All Over The House? 

There are many reasons why your Cat is behaving in this manner 

And it's not to frustrate you and get you angry 

I'm sure your Cat loves you! 

The first thing you need to do is to get your Cat checked up by the Vets

Your Cat won't just suddenly start to spray everywhere

Something could be wrong which is causing this behavior 

If your Cat is all healthy then it's time to do some detective work 

Marking Their Territories 

When your Cat sprays it's a way of communicating with other Cats 

It's letting them know that "Hey! This is my territory! It belongs to me!" 

So yeah, your house and everything you own actually belongs to your Cat! 

It's basically your Cat putting a "No Trespassing" Sign to warn other Cats 

Other Cats In The Neighborhood 

Your Cat will spray indoors when they see or smell other Cats hanging around in your Cats turf 

This is again to mark their territories because they can't chase away the other Cats or engage with them 

Recognize Their Own Scent 

Your Cat will sometime spray inside their to recognize their own scent 

Got Some New Furniture? 

Be prepared! because your Cat will want to spray on it to claim it! 


Your Cat can get stressed and when they do, they spray. You see some Cats are more sensitive than others and they way they respond to stress to spray. 

Your Cat could get stressed because of other Cats, change of routine, Owner (Should I say Cat Parent because you're owned by your Cat!) being absent for long period of times, illness

You can learn more on how you can relax a stressed out Cat by clicking here 

Scent Mingling 

Sometime your Cat will spray on thing that belong to you simply because they want to mix their scent with yours to create a bond between you two. Cute right? The urine smell is not though! 

Another reason for scent mingling could be for security 

Cats that are stressed or fearful will sometimes spray on objects that smell like their owners which will help your Cat feel more secure 

How To Stop Your Cat From Spraying All Over The House

These following tips will help your stop your Cat from spraying or even before they begin 
  • Vet Check - The first thing you should do as mentioned before is to make sure your Cat is healthy 
  • Never punish your Cat - Never shout at your Cat or even worse hit them! This will just makes things worse because it will stress your Cat out more which will result in more spraying. It will also break the bond between the you two 
  • Use a Enzyme Cleaner - Use Cat urine odor removers that have enzyme cleaners and thoroughly clean the area where your Cat has sprayed. Here's an article about the best Cat urine remover to buy in 2019 
  • Keep Your Cat Out Of The Room - Keep your Cat out of the rooms where they have sprayed 
You can find out more by checking out this article 

In Conclusion 

Your Cat is not spraying to frustrate you or get you angry 

It's in their nature to behave in this manner due to certain reasons 

It's important to understand why your Cat is spraying 

You have to get to the root of the problem and tackle it from there 

I would strongly advise never to shout at your Cat or punish your Cat because this will just makes things worse 

If you are struggling to stop your Cat from spraying and sick and tired of looking for the solution to this spraying problem then I would recommend checking out Cat Spraying No More
You can read my non bias review by clicking here 

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

How To Show Your Cat You Love Them!

Do you ever feel the desire to show your Cat you love them?

I mean when they are taking a Cat nap on your lap and purring away, you just want to show them how much they mean to you

Cats are sensitive and they can understand our body language

Did you know that when you are stressed, this can have a negative impact on your Cat and make them feel stressed too?

It's amazing how clever our little feline friends are right


I'm going to show you 5 different ways you can show your little kitty you love them

So let's dive straight into it

Slowly blink at your Cat 

Have you ever had your Cat slowly blink at you?

Like, they're just staring at you and they slowly blink

Ain't that very cute, right?

Well that means that your Cat is showing that he trusts you so much at their most vulnerable, with their eyes closed

It is also a way of your Cat saying to you "I love you"

Awesome right?

So now next time your Cat slowly blinks at you, do the same back

Because this is your way of showing them that you trust them too and also that you love them

Spend quality time with your Cat 

This is very important because spending time with your Cat will build that strong bond with them and grow that connection with them

You should spend at least 15 - 20 minutes with them

Buy a string that has a mouse or anything attached at the end of it and let her chase it

Cats love chasing things as they are predators and love to hunt

Give them Cat treats 

Who doesn't love treats!

Cats love treats and they'll do anything for one!

Try it

Give them a treat and look how much love they show you


Also it will show them how much you love them too

Groom Your Cat 

Cats love being stroked and being groomed

Groom your Cat if you can everyday

Especially long haired Cats

They will love it and will appreciate you giving a helping hand grooming them

Also, stroke them in places they can't reach

Such as

Behind the ears

Under the chin

On their belly

Just above their nose and in-between their eyes

They'll love that

Cat Nap 

When you're just lying down let you Cat take a Cat nap on you

Not only will this create a special bond between you two but also it feels great!

The warmth feeling of your Cat purring away, it's like a hot water bottle that purrs lol

Letting your Cat sleep with also shows your Cat how much you trust him and how much you love him

You see it's important we build this connection with our Cat and show how much we love them

Don't they deserve the best?

We as Cat parents should try to give them the best life possible!

To build that connection with them we need to understand our Cat

That is why

I would really recommend Cat Language bible

It's this awesome guide that teaches you how you can hold a actual conversation with your Cat so now you can tell your Cat you love them in words they understand!

How awesome is that?

This guide also comes with 4 different cool bonuses

If you want to find out more then you can check out this review >>

It does look really interesting!

Let's be the best Cat parents to our Cats and start to converse with them in ways they understand! 

Saturday, 2 June 2018

A Non Bias Review of Cat Spraying No More

Are you a cat lover who is worried about the spraying problem of your little cat? Most cat owners think that if your cat starts spraying all over the house then there are only two options for you:

  • Keep cleaning the house forever
  • Get rid of your cat (Which I'm sure no Cat owner will want to do)
We know that you love your cat and both options are unacceptable for you.

So now you must be looking for the solution to this spraying problem right?

Here is an ultimate solution for all of your cat related problems.

Cat Spraying No More is the solution that can take the tension out of your life about your cat.

Don’t let these spraying problems take out your love for you cat.

Cat Spraying No More is a product if your cat has a bad habit of peeing everywhere
in your home.

Cat owners are always worried about the problem but they are not interested in the reasons
of this problem and
that in itself a big problem for the cat and the owner too.

The Cat Spraying No More System is a detailed study of the cat related problems.

The author explains different scenarios according to his own experience.

All the possible reasons and patterns of the sparing habit are discussed
to make things comfortable for a cat owner.

This product is all about different tips to overcome this problem.

Author behind this product
Sarah Richards is the author of this system and she had a Timmy.
She was also facing many problems regarding her cat so she decided to write
this system to overcome all the problems she was facing.
There are many reasons why cats try to urinate outside the litter box.
Why the cats react in such weird way? All the situations are discussed to
help the owners.

How does it work?

The Cat Spraying No More System helps the owners to understand the cat’s behavior
in a right way and you can focus on things that matter in this problem.
Cats are genius and learn very quickly from their environment.
There is always a motive behind their every move, so try to train them in a right direction
and that’s what is discussed in The Cat Spraying No More System.

Advantages of the Cat Spraying No More

When you are buying this product, you want to take care of all other problems too.
So there are some awesome bonuses that you will enjoy if you buy
The Cat Spraying No More System now:

Save money and time

This product can help you to avoid these problems so you don’t have to spend time
on cleaning the carpets and floors.
You don’t have to look every corner of your home to keep things clean.

Targeted direction

This product has proven tricks that can use to make sure that your cat likes the litter box
and does not urinate here and there.
The best thing is that you don’t have to force your cat to do so.

Cleaner home

Get rid of bad smell due to the spraying problem and keep your home clean.
It is very easy to train your cat to use litter box again.
It is very easy way to keep your cat happy and everyone else too in your home.

Clean the spots

This product is not just about spraying problems but it will help you to clear the
targeted areas too.
You can use these tricks to clean the carpets or corner in your house and it will be just like new.


This guide is a full package for a cat owner and covers everything that you will ever face.
That’s why this system comes with four additional guides about cats.
1.      Cat Training Bible
2.      101 Recipes for a Healthy Cat
3.      The Cat Care Blueprint
4.      Pet Medical Recorder Software

Consider these points before purchasing

You need to understand that author has tried her best to make everything perfect
but still it is not
100% guaranteed that it will work for your cat too. 95% of the customers are
happy with the result
but things can get complicated depending upon the scenario.  
If you follow the exact instructions, you will get effective and fast results but results
can vary slightly depending upon your cat and situation. But this product is
highly recommended and you must try it for once.

Final words

There is no risk trying this system as the buyer has money back guarantee.
So if you feel that product is not working for your cat, you can get your money back.

Let's be honest, you'll never regret this investment.

It's a win win situation

You can get this awesome training system by clicking here

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Help Your Stressed Out Cat To Relax

Many of us just think that humans only stress, however not only to humans just stress but Cats also stress too. They show this by inappropriate urinating.

Because Cats are intelligent and sensitive this makes them susceptible to stress so when you start seeing Cat urine or poo on your rug or furniture then this could be a result of Cat that is under stress.

Did you know that stress in a Cat can actually cause a physical condition.

This condition is called interstitial cystitis. Although this illness is not completely understood, it can appear to affect the nerves which is connected to the bladder that can cause your Cat to lose control.

It's important to make sure all medical issues are ruled out.

When you are sure there are no medical issues then it's time to help your Cat to relax once again

Meditation for your feline friends? 

Unfortunately, there is no way you can teach your Cat that is stressed out to meditate however, there are a couple of things you can do to help your Cat calm down and relax and get them to use the litter box again.

  • It's important to have enough litter box for all the cats in the home. Each should have their own litter box and they should be cleaned regularly. 

  • If you have changed the litter in the litter box then this can also upset a Cat and make them avoid using the litter box. 

  • If you have introduced a new pet, a new baby or maybe a new person such as a spouse can cause stress to your Cat. Also a change in the household could also be a reason to upset your Cat. At these moments it's important that you give your Cat more attention. Show more love to your and try to settle things as quickly as possible and back to the normal routine, this will help your Cat get back to the litter box. 

  • You can help your Cat by getting a indoor tree. This will give your Cat a secure perch where they can get away from any unnecessarily attention from children who don't know how to treat animal or from other pets.  

You should take some time out and sit with your nervous Cat and spend some time with him simply by stroking your Cat. This is very soothing and comforting for your Cat. 

You can find out more on how to get your Cat to use the litter box by visiting

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Encouraging Litter Box Use

As Cat owners, the last thing you want is to find poo on your beautiful Carpet! 

Or to find a patch of urine right next to the litter box! 

It can be frustrating and get really annoying!

But we love our little feline friends because after all they are family right?

In this blog, I will cover why your Cat may urinate outside the litter box so carry on reading and let's tackle this behavior

Many cats willingly want to use a litter box, but you do get the odd ones that just refuse to step into it.
I’m sure this is one of the biggest concerns cat owners have when bringing their kittens home or the cats that just pee everywhere but into the litter box! 
Here is a deeper look into what you can do to help your cat find its way to the litter box.
Getting Your Cat To Use The Litter Box
·         Most commonly cats urinate and defecate into dry, loose sand or soil. If you give them a litter that imitates this you should be able to get your cat to use the box without a problem.
·         Avoid using scented litter as many cats don’t like it.
·         Keep the box clean.
·         Remove soiled litter right away.
·         Change the litter in the box once a week and also wash the box thoroughly.
·         Each cat should have their own litter box as they don’t like sharing.
·         Give your cat a bit of privacy and place the box in a more out-of-the-way spot as this will encourage them to use it
·         If your cat is being resistant to use the litter box, try placing it in a confined room.

I hope this article will help you get your Cat to use the Litter box.

You can learn more in depth on getting your Cat to use the litter box by reading this article how to get your Cat to use the litter box 
However! If for whatever reason they are still not using the litter box (Please remember, it will take time for your Cat to use the litter box) then there is this great article on how to get rid of Cat spray smell  

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Is Your Cat Emotionally Intelligent?

Don't we just love Cats.

They're too cute and very adorable which is why we own one or two or 10! (My cousin sister has 10 cats)

We tend to look at Cats as not being obedient, they won't do any tricks, or never come when they called. (Well, my Cat doesn't unless I got a treat for him!)

I'm here to tell you that is not true.

A new study suggests they can read your facial expressions.

They are also sensitive to your emotions

Shocked right?

I bet you'll look at your Cat differently now!

Researchers from Oakland University have found that Cats behave differently when their owners are frowning then smiling. This is based on the research they had done involving 12 cats and their owners.

Researchers observed that cats behaved positively - purring, rubbing, sitting on their owners lap or just spending more time with them - when their owners were smiling.

However, when the owners would frown this produced the opposite effects in the Cats.

They also observed Cats behaving positively when they were with strangers regardless if they were smiling. It was though as if they were giving the strangers the benefit of the doubt or basically just putting their best foot forward.

This research suggests that not only do cat read facial expressions but it is a learned behavior which is developed over time with a particular human.

So, next time you interact with your Cat, smile at them and see how they react.

Nevertheless we as Cat owners should always smile at them even when they mark their territory
all over the house! (It can be frustrating but you should investigate why they are behaving this way)

Does that mean your Cat loves you?

Maybe 😉

I know my Cat does

Well I would like to think he does 😀

Check out catloverhere for more awesome tips and advice about Cats!