Sunday, 22 April 2018

Encouraging Litter Box Use

As Cat owners, the last thing you want is to find poo on your beautiful Carpet! 

Or to find a patch of urine right next to the litter box! 

It can be frustrating and get really annoying!

But we love our little feline friends because after all they are family right?

In this blog, I will cover why your Cat may urinate outside the litter box so carry on reading and let's tackle this behavior

Many cats willingly want to use a litter box, but you do get the odd ones that just refuse to step into it.
I’m sure this is one of the biggest concerns cat owners have when bringing their kittens home or the cats that just pee everywhere but into the litter box! 
Here is a deeper look into what you can do to help your cat find its way to the litter box.
Getting Your Cat To Use The Litter Box
·         Most commonly cats urinate and defecate into dry, loose sand or soil. If you give them a litter that imitates this you should be able to get your cat to use the box without a problem.
·         Avoid using scented litter as many cats don’t like it.
·         Keep the box clean.
·         Remove soiled litter right away.
·         Change the litter in the box once a week and also wash the box thoroughly.
·         Each cat should have their own litter box as they don’t like sharing.
·         Give your cat a bit of privacy and place the box in a more out-of-the-way spot as this will encourage them to use it
·         If your cat is being resistant to use the litter box, try placing it in a confined room.

I hope this article will help you get your Cat to use the Litter box.

You can learn more in depth on getting your Cat to use the litter box by reading this article how to get your Cat to use the litter box 
However! If for whatever reason they are still not using the litter box (Please remember, it will take time for your Cat to use the litter box) then there is this great article on how to get rid of Cat spray smell  

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Is Your Cat Emotionally Intelligent?

Don't we just love Cats.

They're too cute and very adorable which is why we own one or two or 10! (My cousin sister has 10 cats)

We tend to look at Cats as not being obedient, they won't do any tricks, or never come when they called. (Well, my Cat doesn't unless I got a treat for him!)

I'm here to tell you that is not true.

A new study suggests they can read your facial expressions.

They are also sensitive to your emotions

Shocked right?

I bet you'll look at your Cat differently now!

Researchers from Oakland University have found that Cats behave differently when their owners are frowning then smiling. This is based on the research they had done involving 12 cats and their owners.

Researchers observed that cats behaved positively - purring, rubbing, sitting on their owners lap or just spending more time with them - when their owners were smiling.

However, when the owners would frown this produced the opposite effects in the Cats.

They also observed Cats behaving positively when they were with strangers regardless if they were smiling. It was though as if they were giving the strangers the benefit of the doubt or basically just putting their best foot forward.

This research suggests that not only do cat read facial expressions but it is a learned behavior which is developed over time with a particular human.

So, next time you interact with your Cat, smile at them and see how they react.

Nevertheless we as Cat owners should always smile at them even when they mark their territory
all over the house! (It can be frustrating but you should investigate why they are behaving this way)

Does that mean your Cat loves you?

Maybe 😉

I know my Cat does

Well I would like to think he does 😀

Check out catloverhere for more awesome tips and advice about Cats!